Cattle Showing
Judging Commences at 1pm.
Limousin Pedigree
Class 1: Best Pedigree Limousin Bull Calf, (Born on 1.9.18 or before 1.1.19) Class 2: Best Pedigree Limousin Heifer Calf (Born on 1.9. 18 or before 1.1. 19) Class 3: Best Pedigree Limousin Bull Calf (born on or after 1.1.19)
Class 3 (a): Best Pedigree Limousin Heifer Calf (born on or after 1.1.19) Class 4: Best Pedigree Limousin Heifer (born on or before 1.9. 18) Class 5: Best Pedigree Limousin Female (on calf / in milk)
Class 6: Best Pedigree Limousin Bull (born on or before 1.9. 18) Class 29: Male born after 1/1/18 – Qualifier **
Class 30: Female born on or after 1/1/18 – Qualifier **
Class 31: Female born prior 1/1/18 – Qualifier **
**Limousin Champion of Champions Qualifiers
Confined to cattle registered in the ILCS and eligible to compete under ILCS rules.
Final at Trim Show (2019)
Finn Valley, Longford, Arva, Tydavnet, Enniscrone, Ballinrobe, Castlerea,
Ossory, Clonmel, Tinahely, Corofin, Bridgetown, Charleville, Cork.
One animal to qualify from each category at each qualifying show.
Prizes at finals:
Each section: 1st g250, 2nd g200, 3rd g150, 4th g100, and €50 to end of line.
Overall Champion of Champions award €500.
Entry fee €10 per animal to enter qualifier. €10 to ILCS to enter final. Cattle attending final are not permitted to enter any other individual show class. They may be part of a team competition.
A breeder can qualify a maximum of two animals per category for the finals
3 categories Male born after 1/1/18, Female born on or after 1/1/18, Female born prior to 1/1/18
Entry Fee: €10 per class
Hereford Pedigree
Class 7: Best Pedigree Registered Cow or Incalf Heifer
Class 8: Best Pedigree Registered Heifer (born before 1.7.18)
Class 9: Best Pedigree Registered Bull (born on or after 1.7.18)
Class 10: Best Pedigree Registered Heifer (born on or after 1.7.18)
Class 11: Best Pedigree Registered Bull (Any Age)
Class 12: Hereford Champion of the Show – Tom Hannon Perpetual Cup
Commercial Section –Non Pedigree
Class 13: Best Non-Pedigree Bull Calf (born ‘19)
Class 14: Best Non- Pedigree Heifer Calf (Born ‘19)
Class 15: Best Bullock, with a Calf’s Mouth
Class 16: Best Beef Bullock, Any Age – Nenagh Mart Perpetual Cup
Class 17: Best Young Beef Heifer, with a Calf’s Mouth
Class 18: Best Beef Heifer, Any Age – The Jimmy Casey Cup
Class 19: Commercial Beef Stock Champion – Gort Mart Perpetual Cup
Charolais Pedigree
Class 20: Best Pedigree Charolais Bull Calf (Born on 1.9.2018 or before 1.1.19)
Class 21: Best Pedigree Charolais Heifer Calf (born on 1.9.’18 or before1.1.’19)
Class 22: Best Pedigree Charolais Bull Calf (born on / after 1/1/’19)
Class 23: Best Pedigree Charolais Heifer Calf (born on / after 1.1. 19)
Class 24: Best Pedigree Charolais Female (born on / before 1.9. 18)
Class 25: Pedigree Charolais Champion of the Show
Simmental Section
Class 26 (a): Best Pedigree Male/ (born on / after 1.8. 18)
Class 26 (b): Best Pedigree Female (born on / after 1.8. 18)
Class 27: Best Pedigree Male/Female (born on / before 1.12. 18)
Class 28: Best Simmental Matching Pair